
What's Up Wednesday!?!?! (on a Tuesday!)

Wow! The first half of the year has flown by and the students and staff at PVHS and HMS are working hard to wrap up this first semester. During the first couple weeks of the new year, students at HMS and PVHS came back from break ready to learn. High school students took midterms last week. The end of the second quarter was Friday, January 17th. Grades are closing and report cards will be given to students at the end of this week.

There is a lot of learning happening throughout the schools such as classroom projects and activities that are providing a fun way for students to show their learning. These activities have included: designing a restaurant, creating roller coasters, creating treasure maps that navigate through photosynthesis and cellular respiration, book projects, news documentaries, rubber band energy labs, etc. Everyone is showcasing some of their new learning in a multitude of ways