October 31, 2024
Invitation to Bid:
MSAD #41 in Milo, Maine is accepting bids for a three-year snow plowing contract at: Penquis Valley
High/Middle School (includes portable classrooms), Milo Elementary School,
Please call 207-943-9108 to leave your name and address to receive the bid package.
If you need further information or want to make a site visit, please call our Director of Facilities and
Transportation. Scott Lee at 207-943-9108. Email slee@msad41.us
Bid includes all of the following:
1. Penquis Valley High/Middle School Complex (includes portable classroom units)
48 Penquis Drive, Milo, ME 04463.
2. Milo Elementary School and Bus Garage
18 Belmont Street, Milo, ME 04463
1. The quote will be a three-year quote and the award will be a three-year award (School years: 2024-
25, 2025-26, 2026-27).
2. Please submit bid on this form only and please note that sanding is required on the schools listed
above and must be included in the bid price.
3. Basic plowing covered by this contract: The company awarded the contract will come automatically
to plow, push snow back and clean up snow so school can operate: If there is two inches or more of
snow during school hours, during after school activities and during sporting events (5 AM-9PM) the
company shall maintain safe operating conditions for 2-way traffic and clear parking spaces.
During Non-School hours (9PM-5AM) the company shall maintain safe operating conditions if there is
6 inches or more snow for 2-way traffic to allow access for emergencies and emergency vehicles.
4. The following certificates of insurance are required to be submitted with the quote:
a. One million dollar certificate of general liability insurance naming MSAD #41 as additional insured.
b. Certificate of insurance for Worker’s Compensation to statutory limit.
c. The certificates mentioned in 5 (a) and (b) above must be submitted with your quote for the 2024-
25 school year.
5. Bids must be submitted in sealed envelopes using this quote sheet. Bids must be received no later
than 9:00 a.m. on November 22 nd , 2024 at the Superintendent’s Office, 20 Howland Rd, LaGrange, ME
MSAD #41 reserves the right to exercise its judgment in evaluating bids.
The School Board will award contracts to the lowest bidder which the Superintendent and School
Board deem can satisfactorily fulfill the contract.
The contractor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless MSAD #41 from all claims, demands, costs,
losses, and expenses, including attorney’s fees, that MSAD #41 may suffer or incur on account of or
arising from any act or omission to act on the part of the Contractor, its operators, drivers, agents or
employees in the performance or nonperformance of its obligations under this agreement.
Year One Quote for MSAD #41 – 2024-25 __________________________
Year Two Quote for MSAD #41 – 2025-26 __________________________
Year Three Quote for MSAD #41 – 2026-27 _________________________